Terms and Conditions
By using NZDating you agree to the following terms and conditions

Acceptance of terms
These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time, without notification. You are responsible for ensuring you are familiar with the latest terms and conditions and privacy policy, the last update was 1 July 2010.
NZDating services are available to Adults who can legally agree to the terms and conditions below. You must be 18 years or older to become a member.
NZDating reserve the right to ban and remove any account for any reason.
Refund and cancellation Policy
NZDating is a subscription based service, we do not provide refunds of any kind (subject to the NZ Consumer Guarantees act).
Duplicate or overpayments may be charged a processing fee if refunds are required.
Gold memberships are not transferable to other accounts.
You are legally responsible for materials you publish
As a consenting adult you are responsible for all information you publish on NZDating, including but not restricted to, images, your profile, advertisement, messages, events and chat. NZDating does not directly monitor or control all use of the site by its members. Accordingly you agree to accept sole responsibility for the legality of your actions under New Zealand law. You should be aware of relevant laws such as censorship and copyright.
NZDating involvement
NZDating is not directly involved in Member to Member communications and activities. In the event you have a conflict with another Member, to the extent permitted by law you hereby release NZDating, its agents and employees from any claims, demands and damages of every kind arising out of such conflict.
Limitations on what you can publish
You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, defamatory, threatening, obscene, libelous, or otherwise offensive material. Personal prosecution may result from breach of these requirements
User Information and Identification
Proper authentication of users on the Internet is difficult. NZDating can not and does not confirm that any member is who they claim to be. You should be careful in dealing with members and read our safety tips.
Other obligations to NZDating
You must provide authenticated NZDating staff with your real name and contact details if asked and obey any site operational instructions given, or alternatively remove yourself from NZDating.
NZDating is a contact and friendship service, you may not use NZDating for research, employment or any commercial activity, nor can you use NZDating systems to discuss other dating sites or services. Promotion of anything via unsolicited messages is not allowed.
You may not contact members that have previously blocked you, or if your intentions are clearly unsolicited and to be abusive or annoying. Stalking members, Physical or overly abusive threats may result in instant removal.
You may not publish member names, phone numbers, addresses, web addresses, email addresses or other identification in any part of your profile or in your first correspondence with other members. This is to prevent accidental publishing of your details, joking and other abuse taking place.
Advertising is placed on the NZDating pages paying for free members and subsidising Gold membership, we reserve the right to restrict access or remove accounts which intentionally block page advertisements.
Unauthorised Promotional Activity
NZDating is a commercial activity and earns revenue from charging other commercial companies for services.
ANY commercial activity on NZDating, including but not limited to Messageboards, Events (It is acceptable to list costs for 'portions' of events such as entry fees to a bowling alley, but not to list a commercial singles night) and Private messages is prohibited without NZDating management approval. You agree to pay a penalty fee of NZD$1,000+gst for any unapproved commercial activity.
Commercial activity may not always involve money or pecuniary services, examples of prohibited promotion include (but not limited to) the promotion of charities, competitions, recruitment, personal services such as (but not limited to) massage or photography, multi-level marketing, fundraisers, events and political parties or candidates. This also includes the abuse or promotion of groups, websites, products or services.
NZDating Accounts
You may not join NZDating if you already have an active membership or you have ever been convicted of a sexually related offence or have previously been banned from using the site.
You must have a working email address listed in your NZDating account for external contact, a non working email may result in your account being removed.
Couples may create a shared couples profile and maintain a private profile each, however this is provided as a courtesy to retain the private profiles and both profiles should not be actively used at the same time. You must not create a couples account or login to a couples account if you are no longer a partner in that couple. Accounts created as male, female or trans may not represent a couple, partnership or group, or be accessed by more than one person.
You must not attempt to login to another member's account (even if you have permission from that member), create an account with a clear intention of impersonating another person, damage or harm the NZDating site or services, attempt to bypass any filters or protection, or access the website and chat rooms via any method but that provided.
Advert / Profile Usage
NZDating provides members with the ability to post personal information about themselves in a profile/advertisement. This facility is exclusively for describing the member and any other use will result in the account being removed. You must correctly identify photos that contain nudity or sexual behaviour in the upload process. We reserve the right to re-classify or remove photos without entering into further discussions.
Internal Email Usage
NZDating's Internal Email system is intended to provide a way for members to easily communicate in a one to one fashion. You may not use the Email system for any form of bulk email other than providing an introduction of yourself, examples of emails you may not bulk promote include examples such as promoting websites, alternative groups, events, meetings, opinions of other members or use the service as a list server. For safety, Members are not allowed to provide contact details in their first emails to other members, once an email has been sent each way this restriction is removed. Any member bypassing these filters by obscuring details may have their account terminated. Messages discussing competing dating services may be discarded.
Messageboard Usage
Messageboards are provided for the sole purpose of allowing NZDating members to hold discussions. Any form of promotion, advertisement or 'wanted to' advertisement, commercial or not, (eg wanted to buy, wanted to sell, wanted to rent, please donate..., please support my..., please provide a lift) is not allowed, NZDating messageboards are not a classified advertising service. Starting threads related to personal promotion of your profile is not allowed and rather should be placed in your profile. Any discussion that attacks a member or their behaviour when not related to the messageboards is not allowed. Any adult (rude/obscene) related topic must be placed in the adult messageboard. Excessive or extended periods of abuse will not be tolerated. You may not organise protests or post messages that abuse the NZDating staff or site. Posting repeated comments to unrelated threads is not allowed. Posting repeatedly to fill a thread so nobody else can post is not allowed. Posting copies of easily identifiable email is not permitted unless the sender grants permission. Breaches may result in a account removal, thread removal, warnings and/or permanent or short term messageboard bans at the discretion of NZDating administrators.
Events Usage
NZDating provides an events listing service for members to list social events they wish other NZDating members to attend as a group. Commercial events may only be listed after a commercial arrangement is arranged with NZDating. Whist we consider any event which requires payment to be a commercial event, members are permitted to list events where costs are obvious and no profit is expected. Examples would be $25 each to attend a dinner for NZDating members. Costs should be listed to those attending and complex examples should be run past NZDating prior to listing. Where there is any likelihood the event may be considered commercial or for any other primary purpose than providing a safe experience for NZDating members to get together the event may be removed without notice. Events set up in the form of a dating service such as a 'speed dating' event are not permitted. Gold members may start Invite only events to limit people attending, however public events may not exclude members that match the event filter. Event messageboards are provided to discuss and organise the event, any other use is not permitted.
Site Abuse, Banning, Suspension, Restriction and Removal
NZDating is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience.
We reserve the right to decline to register or to suspend, restrict or terminate your membership without entering into further discussions with you at our sole descretion if:
- a serious complaint or multiple complaints are received about you from other members,
- you fail to follow instructions given by NZDating staff,
- you abuse, harass or otherwise undermine NZDating staff,
- you breach the NZDating terms of Use,
- you impersonate another person, or
- NZDating deems your behaviour or use to be unacceptable or not in the best interests of NZDating or its members
Members sharing a computer share responsibility for any problems originating from that computer, in the event of abuse, the computer or all memberships used on a computer may be removed and banned.
Banned members that continue to try and use our services are considered to be trespassing and may be prosecuted and agree to a NZD$200+gst cleanup fee. Such use is unauthorised use of our computer systems.
In the case of abuse or suspected abuse of our systems, members or the law, we reserve the right to pass any information stored on our systems to relevant authorities to help prevent the abuse, we will also provide assistance to help identify a member for members who are proceeding with in our view legitimate legal action. We feel the protection of our members is one of our most important goals.
In the case of a paid member being banned or removed from NZDating, any unused subscription time or other paid services will not be refunded.
NZDating Limited Liability
NZDating shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profit, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses that result from the service, or the inability to access the service.
NZDating shall not be liable for the cost of procurement of substitute goods or services resulting from services provided by NZDating.
NZDating shall not be liable for the conduct or statements of other third parties to the service.
By using the NZDating.com website you agree that any contract in relation to the site and these terms are governed by the law of New Zealand, and as the material part of this agreement is formed with the NZDating services located in Lower Hutt that in the event of legal action, such legal matters and proceedings will be issued though the District Court at Lower Hutt or in the event that the District Court at Lower Hutt does not have jurisdiction, through the High Court at Wellington.
Your use of NZDating is at your sole risk. NZDating expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
NZDating makes no warranty that
i) the services provided will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free,
ii) that the information provided on the site is error-free or reliable,
iii) the quality of the products or services obtained through NZDating will meet your requirements.
iv) the www.NZDating.com web site will operate as intended in any software other than the listed compatible browsers
No advice or information that is obtained by you from NZDating or otherwise shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Terms and Conditions.
While www.NZDating.com has been tested on the browsers listed below, the site may function and we may be able to offer assistence with alternative browsers, however this is not guaranteed.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and higher operating on Windows XP and higher*
- Mozilla Firefox version 3 and higher operating on Windows XP and higher*
* NZDating will endeavour to ensure compatibility within 3 months of the relevant product's general new release.
New Zealand City Limited, the owner of New Zealand Dating, is
expressly authorised to assign both its rights and its responsibilities arising under each
and every subscription contract. You expressly authorise and accept such right of
assignment and have no further rights with New Zealand City Limited in the event of
such assignment.
NZDating is a web service provided by the New Zealand registered company New Zealand City Ltd
We do not provide phone or live support, please contact us via the provided contact us form.
Our postal/delivery address is
New Zealand City Ltd
P.O.Box 44 126,
Lower Hutt,
New Zealand