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leonie_99179, Auckland
nzdolfe51, Auckland
thorinofthorndon52, Wellington
virgo195074, Bay of Plenty
steven8044, Canterbury
miks2234, Auckland
casibabe76, Horowhenua
caterpillard854, Canterbury
mal_66053, Auckland
fresh_spawn51, Otago
bybike63, Bay of Plenty
amarone59, Auckland
xfirenz_88248, Canterbury
acey857, Waikato
speckleshb47, Hawkes Bay
michelle_21254, Manawatu
girlwithnocurl44, Canterbury
gfyp52, Auckland
countrylas76, Auckland
anenigma_13564, Auckland
active_249, Canterbury
randymisc10068, Southland
kindness8044, Wellington
heartwood266, Waikato